Chalkboard is a kind of aid MCQ

Chalkboard is a kind of aid MCQ- You are searching on the internet Chalkboard is a kind of aid MCQ. The Chalkboard is a kind of aid MCQ available in this article. I write Chalkboard is a kind of aid MCQ for all teaching exams. Chalkboard is a kind of aid MCQ is very important for Teaching exams. you see our Chalkboard is a kind of aid MCQ in this article.

Q. Chalkboard is a kind of aid?

a) Audio Visual

b) Project

c) Visual

d) Audio

Answer- C)  Visual 

Q. Blackboard can be included in which group/category of teaching aid?

a) Audio

b) Visual

c) Project

d) Audio Visual

Answer- B) Visual

Related of Chalkboard is a kind of aid MCQ

The Chalkboard Teaching Aid

Audio Visual Teaching Aid

Teaching Aid MCQ


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