Principle of Language Teaching

Principle of language teaching- Are you looking for the principle of language teaching for competitive examination? Do you want to understand the teaching principle in order to teach a language in the classroom? Here are the solutions. 

Principle of language teaching- It's not easy to apply all the principles and strategies in the classroom. But teachers should try to implement this. 

Language teaching is based on several principles, which are discussed in this post.

Principle of Language Teaching

Principle of Language Teaching

We have already seen that there are four clear aims in teaching language, each of which should be acquired by the learner as a skill. we know that skill involves three processes, receiving knowledge, fixing it in conscious memory by repetition, and constantly using it in practice.

  • Listening and understanding
  • Speaking
  • Reading
  • Writing
Language teaching is based on the following principles
  1. Principle of naturalness
  2. Principle of learning by doing
  3. Principle of practice
  4. Principle of limitation
  5. Principle of motivation and interest
  6. Motivation
  7. Accuracy
  8. Interest
  9. Co-relation
  10. Oral Approach

Top 10 Principle of language Teaching

1- Principle of naturalness

A language is learned in a natural way. A child listens to the words and sentences from others and thus he increases his vocabulary.

A mother is considered to be the first teacher of a child. If the child lives in a joint family, he listens to many persons but most of the time he is supposed to be with his mother.
  •  Language learning should start orally.
  • A unit of language is a sentence, not the words, therefore teacher should proceed from words to a sentence
  • The second stage is to proceed from speaking to written teaching
  • In speaking or oral teaching, a student should listen attentively. Listening is an important skill.
2- Principle of learning by doing

The main focus of language teaching is to develop the four skills-reading, writing, listening, and speaking. Only after having command of these skills can use language properly in speaking and writing from for this one should have a practice of listening attentively.

3- Principle of practice

The practice of a language develops perfection of language, efficiency, and fluency of language.

At the beginning of learning any language, one learns the alphabet of the language then he starts forming words and sentences. This leads to writing paragraphs, answer to questions, essays, etc.

4- Principle of limitation

Imitation is the best to learn anything but for this, it is necessary that whoever is limited should have perfection in displaying his art.

A language is learned through natural imitation. Students learn or acquire the style of speaking and writing as demonstrated by their teacher.

It is very essential that the pronunciation, spelling, and use of grammar should be imitated correctly and at the same time, the teacher should teach rightly.

5- Principle of Motivation and Interest

If we start taking interest in anything we learn with interest and if we get proper motivation there is an increase in interest which rises graphically.

A language teacher's job is to motivate and develop an interest in learning a language. 
  • New awareness should be based on previous knowledge.
  • There should be variation in teaching a lesson to make it interesting.
  • The questions technique should be used to make students active and involved in teaching.
  • A teacher should organize debates and classroom discussions for developing expression ability.
  • The teacher should use appropriate teaching aids and devices.

6- Oral Approach

It is one of the best approaches for a teacher to implement in the classroom. The teacher should give the opportunity to the students to speak in their mother tongue followed by English. 

7- Co-relation

It's important to have coordination among the students. The teacher must give group work in order to assess the co-ordinating quality of a student.

8- Interest

The teacher should create interest among students by any means. Students should be well directed and educated by the teacher. The term 'interest' plays an important role in the classroom program.

9- Principle of practice

As we know that ''Practice makes a man perfect''. The teacher should focus on the practice of the subject. The teacher should give practice questions to the students. 

10- Accuracy

It's not possible to maintain accuracy when it comes to classroom programs. But it should be done with a little trick. The teacher should be well educated and mature enough to understand the pace and accuracy of the students.

There are thousands of tools and techniques are available, where you can evaluate the accuracy of the students. 

Best Book for Language Teaching

There are thousands of books available in the market for language teaching. As per my knowledge and experience is concerned I want to suggest a book to you.

  • Technique and principle of language teaching book- Amazon
  • Principle of language learning and teaching- Amazon

Principle of Language Teaching

Principle of Language Teaching

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