Educational Measurement and Evaluation MCQs

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Educational Measurement and Evaluation MCQs

1. In measurement the first step is:

(A) Marking of the test

(B) Administering the test

(C) Development of the test

(D) Decision of what to measure

2. A sum of questions is called:

(A) Testing

(B) Assessment

(C) Examination 

(D) Test

3. Which instrument is used for measuring the sample of Behavior?

(A) Evaluation

(B) Assessment

(C) Measurement

(D) Test

4. The main purpose of the evaluation is to make:

(A) Judgment

(B) Opinion

(C) Prediction

(D) Decision

5. Which type of evaluation is used to monitor the learning process:

(A) Summative evaluation

(B) Diagnostic evaluation 

(C) Formative evaluation

(D) Placement evaluation


1.      Education MCQs (Pedagogical Skills)

6. The main purpose of the evaluation is to make judgments about educational:

(A) Age

(B) Time period

(C) Quality

(D) Quantity

7. What is the purpose of evaluation?

(A) To measure the achievement of students

(B) To test the students in a subject

(C) To assign a mark or score to a student

(D) To make a judgment about the quality of something

8. Which has the least scope?

(A) Assessment  

(B) Evaluation

(C) Measurement

(D) Test

9. What is the purpose of formative evaluation?

(A) Check the final status

(B) Promotion to next grade

(C) Selecting students

(D) Monitoring progress of students

10. From the following the right sequence is:

(A) Test, measurement, assessment, Evaluation

(B) Evaluation, Test, Measurement, Assessment

(C) Test, assessment, Evaluation, Measurement

(D) Assessment, Measurement, Evaluation, Test

11. From the following in which question marking will be more reliable:

(A) Multiple choice questions

(B) Essay

(C) Short answer

(D) Completion

12. Which type of question is difficult to mark with reliability?

(A) Structured essays

(B) Unstructured essays

(C) Short answer

(D) Multiple choice questions

13. Projective techniques are basically used to measure:

(A) Intelligence

(B) Knowledge

(C) Personality

(D) Aptitude

14. In the USA the most widely used format on standardized tests is:

(A) Matching list

(B) Short answers

(C) Essays type

(D) Multiple choice questions

15. Summative evaluation is basically used:

(A) During the program

(B) At all times

(C) At the end of the program

(D) At the start of the program

16. Generally the summative evaluation is:

(A) Ongoing

(B) Continuous

(C) Certifying judgment 

(D) Diagnostic

17. Which tools of summative evaluation are frequently used?

(A) Daily assignment

(B) Oral questioning

(C) Teacher observation

(D) Test

18. In a class interval the number of score lying is:

(A) Frequencies 

(B)  Class boundaries

(C) Quartiles

(D) Mid-point

19. The difference between maximum and minimum values is known as:

(A) Mode

(B) Range

(C) Quartiles

(D) Mean

20. What is the main advantage of essay-type questions?

(A) Can diagnose the learning difficulties of students

(B) Are essays to mark

(C) The student can guess the answer

(D) They can measure complex learning outcomes that cannot be measured with other types of question

21. Which is the most widely applicable test item?

(A) Matching

(B) M.C.Q

(C) Completion

(D) Short answers

22. In M.C.Qs the statement of the problem is:

(A) Option

(B) Distracter

(C) Premise

(D) Stem

24. In M.C.Q the incorrect options are:

(A) Responses

(B) Answers

(C) Distracters

(D) None of the above

24. In M.C.Q the correct option is:

(A) Response

(B) Answer

(C) Distracters

(D) None of the above

25. In M.C.Qs the list of suggested answers is:

(A) Options

(B) Alternatives

(C) Choices

(D) All of the above

26. Which is the supply type test item?

(A) M.C.Q items

(B) Completion items

(C) Matching items

(D) True/False items

27. Which are the alternative response items?

(A) Right/wrong

(B) Correct/incorrect

(C) True/ false

(D) All of the above

28. Matching items have how many columns:

(A) Two columns

(B) One column

(C) Five column

(D) None of the above

29. Who was the founder of the modern intelligence tests?

(A) Terman

(B) Stern

(C) Guilford

(D) Alfred Binet

30. Who presented the formula to determine I.Q?

(A) Stern

(B) Guilford

(C) Terman

(D) Alfred Binet

31. A student having the same physical and mental age will have I.Q:

(A) 80

(B) 90

(C) 100

(D) 110

32. If a student has ten years physical age and twelve years mental age then it will have IQ:

(A) 110

(B) 120

(C) 130

(D) 140

33. From the following which one is not the type of test by purpose?

(A) Norm-referenced test

(B) Criterion-reference test

(C) Essay type test

(D) Standardized test

34. Which is the type of the test by method?

(A) Objective type test

(B) Criterion type test

(C) Norm reference test

(D) Standardized test

35. In which type of test the analysis of item is necessary:

(A) Standardized test

(B) Teacher made tests

(C) Both A and B

(D) None of the above

36. In which type of test the students’ performance is compared with other students:

(A) Objective referenced test

(B) Norm-referenced test

(C) Criterion-referenced test

(D) None of the above

37. The planned interview is called:

(A) Structural interview

(B) Focused interview

(C) Panel interview

(D) Group interview

38. In which interview method, the discussion is concentrated on one method:

(A) Structural interview

(B) Focused interview

(C) Panel interview

(D) Group interview

39. When the interviewee is more than one then the interview is called:

 (A) Structural interview

(B) Focused interview

(C) Panel interview

(D) Group interview

40. When the interviewee is only one then the interview is called:

(A) Structural interview

(B) Individual interview

(C) Panel interview

(D) Group interview

41. If any item has difficulty index 5% then it is:

(A) Difficult

(B) Very easy

(C) Easy

(D) Acceptable

42. Generally the type of marking and reporting system is:

(A) Letters to the parent

(B) Traditional marking system

(C) Pass-fail system

(D) All above

43. Measurement is basically the:

(A) Numerical value

(B) Qualitative value

(C) Value judgment

(D) None of the above

44. Basically evaluation is:

(A) Qualitative value

(B) Numerical value

(C) Value judgment

(D) None of the above

45. In a paper the score of a student is:

(A) Evaluation

(B) Test

(C) Measurement

(D) All of the above

46. A test usually answers the question:

(A) How good

(B) How well

(C) How much

(D) None of the above

47. In the true-false test the most significant advantage is:

(A) Elimination of guessing

(B) Wide sampling

(C) Items validity

(D) None of the above

48. Which scale is used for attitude measurement?

(A) Projective scale

(B) Likert scale

(C) Ordinal scale

(D) Technical scale

49. An aptitude test is used to measure:

(A) Present attainment

(B) Attained ability

(C) Potential ability

(D) Overall mental ability

50. Which process is used to know the worth or value of material?

(A) Evaluation

(B) Knowledge

(C) Application

(D) Analysis

51. Which is the highest level of the cognitive domain?

(A) Comprehension

(B) Evaluation

(C) Analysis

(D) Synthesis

52. in the cognitive domain the lowest level of learning:

(A) Synthesis

(B) Knowledge

(C) Application

(D) Comprehension

53. In the cognitive domain the highest level of learning is:

(A) Application

(B) Analysis

(C) Synthesis

(D) Evaluation

54. Generally cognitive domain has:

(A) Six subgroups

(B) Five subgroups

(C) Four subgroups

(D) Three subgroups

55. NRT is usually not used for:

(A) Subjective item

(B) Mastery testing domain

(C) Objective type item

(D) The measure of achievement

56. Which is the example of the cognitive domain?

(A) Type a letter

(B) Take responsibility for tools

(C) Describe a topic

(D) Develop and X-ray film

57. High and low achievers are mostly sorted out by:

(A) Effectiveness of distracters

(B) Facility index

(C) Discrimination power

(D) All of the above

58. Good distracter is basically that which:

(A) Does not attract

(B) Attracts equally high and low achievers

(C) Attracts low achievers more than high achievers

(D) Attracts high achievers more than low achievers

59. Bad distracter is basically that which:

(A) Does not attract at all to any student

(B) Attracts high achievers and low achievers equally

(C) Attracts, high achievers, more than low achievers

(D) All of the above

60. from the following which type of test ends to have the lowest reliability?

(A) Essay

(B) Matching

(C) Completion

(D) True-false

61. Item analysis generally focuses to find out:

(A) Effectiveness of distracters  

(B) Facility index

(C) Discrimination power

(D) All of the above

62. In our schools most of the tests used are:

(A) Aptitude test

(B) Personality test

(C) Achievement test

(D) Intelligence test

63. What is the main purpose of classroom testing?

(A) Reporting to parents

(B) Improve instructions

(C) Measure teacher’s effectiveness

(D) Compare student’s performance

64. Diagnostic evaluation is always done:

(A) In between teaching

(B) Before teaching

(C) After teaching

(D) None of the above

65. from the following in which we use simulation as a teaching technique:

(A) Performance test

(B) Matching test

(C) Completion test

(D) Short answers

66. What an individual can perform in the future is basically measured by:

(A) Aptitude test

(B) Personality test

(C) Intelligence test

(D) Achievement test

67. An ability test includes the following:

(A) Attitude, interest, and intelligence

(B) Achievement, aptitude, and intelligence  

(C) Aptitude, Attitude, and interest

(D) Achievement, aptitude, and attitude

68. Norm reference tests are basically designed to rank pupils:

(A) Effort

(B) Achievement

(C) Knowledge

(D) Learning

69. from the following which is not the strength of multiple-choice items:

(A) Score reliability

(B) Allows for educated guessing

(C) Content sampling

(D) Effective testing of higher cognitive levels

70. In a test the use of many selected responses can provide good:

(A) Context sampling

(B) Time sampling

(C) Objectivity

(D) Level of difficulty

71. What is the most significant advantage of true-false items?

(A) Ease of construction

(B) Elimination of guessing

(C) Item validity

(D) Wide sampling

72. Construct validity is basically established through:

(A) Standardized analysis 

(B) Logical analysis

(C) Both A and B

(D) Neither A nor B

73. Which is the final product of measurement?

(A) Interpretation of scores

(B) Performance

(C) Scores

(D) Test items

74. In making a test, the first and most important step is:

(A) Determining process 

(B) Proper planning

(C) Defining objectives

(D) Collecting context

75. In a structured test the best measure to avoid guessing is to use:

(A) Matching items

(B) Multiple-choice items

(C) Completion items

(D) true-false items

76. Essay test has a great advantage over the objective test because they:

(A) Provide adequate representation

(B) Provide opportunities to organize knowledge

(C) Have high consistency in marking

(D) Are free from opportunities of bluffing

77. The standard error of measurement is basically a measure of:

(A) Central tendency

(B) Variability

(C) Association

(D) Location

78. The basic and main function of educational measurement is to find out students:

(A) Habits

(B) Interests

(C) Attitudes

(D) Achievement

79. While constructing multiple-choice items, it is best to:

(A) Use only two options

(B) Repeat keywords of the stem in options

(C) Put the main idea in items

(D) Make all options of the same length

80. Basically multiple-choice questions provide a broad sampling of:

(A) Content

(B) Comprehension

(C) Learning

(D) Knowledge

81. Affective domain is generally divided into:

(A) Six subgroups

(B) Seven subgroups

(C) Four subgroups

(D) Five subgroups

82. Who classifies the affective domain?

(A) Krathwhol

(B) Burner

(C) Simpson

(D) Benjamin S. Bloom

83. In the cognitive domain the main focus is:

(A) Attitudes and interests

(B) Physical and motor skills

(C) Intellectual skills

(D) None of the above

84. From the following which domain is concerned with physical and motor skills?

(A) Affective domain

(B) Psychomotor domain

(C) Cognitive domain

(D) None of the above

85. Attitudes, values, and interests are reflected by which domain:

(A) Affective domain

(B) Psychomotor domain

(C) Cognitive domain

(D) None of the above

86. In the affective domain the lowest level of learning is:

(A) Attending

(B) Organization

(C) Valuing

(D) Responding

87. In the affective domain which is placed at the highest level of learning:

(A) Organization

(B) Attending

(C) Characteristics

(D) Responding

88. The process of determining the value or worth of anything is called:

(A) Measurement

(B) Assessment

(C) Evaluation

(D) Test

89. The intellectual skills are generally reflected by:

(A) Affective domain

(B) Psychomotor domain

(C) Cognitive domain

(D) None of the above

90. Knowing/ memorizing and recalling is basically concerned with:

(A) Knowledge

(B) Evaluation

(C) Application

(D) Comprehensions

91. In SOLO taxonomy the “deep” category consists of:

(A) Multi structural and relational

(B) Relational and extended abstract

(C) Uni structural and multi structural

(D) Pre structural and uni structural

92. Synthesis generally requires:

(A) Judge the value of material

(B) Use the material in a new situation

(C) Understanding the structure of the material

(D) Formulation of new structural material

93. In SOLO Taxonomy the surface category consists of:

(A) Two stages

(B) Three stages

(C) Four stages

(D) Five stages

94. In which year the psychomotor domain was classified by Simpson:

(A) 1952

(B) 1962

(C) 1972

(D) 1982

95. Krathwhol divided the affective domain into subgroups in:

(A) 1944

(B) 1954

(C) 1962

(D) 1964

96. Simpson divided the psychomotor domain into:

(A) Seven subgroups

(B) Six subgroups

(C) Four subgroups

(D) Three subgroups

97. the Main objective related to the affective domain is:

(A) Student can write a letter

(B) Student values honesty

(C) Students can draw a graph

(D) Student can paint a picture

98. CRT is basically a clearly defined and delimited domain of:

(A) Performance

(B) Learning task

(C) Evaluation

(D) Knowledge

99. In case of Instructional objectives, it must include:

(A) Learning activities

(B) Teaching strategies

(C) Learning resources

100. Basically the first draft of objectives needs to be:

(A) Measured

(B) Tested

(C) Evaluated

(D) Assessed

(D) Action verb

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