Natural Vegetation and Wildlife Class 7 Notes PDF Download for Free

NCERT Class 7 SST Notes PDF- Are you looking for NCERT class 7 social science notes? then you are in the best place. It is quite important to cover NCERT books of concerned classes. Social science is an integral part of any teaching examination such as CTET/KVS/NVS/TETs. Social science plays a major role in teaching examination, especially in CTET. Today I will be discussing the topic ''Natural Vegetation and Wildlife''. 

Natural Vegetation and Wildlife Class 7 Summary- Today I will share some important points regarding NCERT class 7 SST. Our earth is unique as it has a green cover over it which is called Natural Vegetation. This green cover is possible because of sunlight, water, and soil available on earth. It's very important to understand the cycle of nature, ecosystem, and bio-diversity. 

Natural Vegetation and Wildlife Class 7 Notes PDF Download for Free

Natural Vegetation and Wildlife Summary

It is quite important to understand the natural vegetation and wildlife for a better understanding of social studies. This topic content various important point like natural vegetation, biodiversity, ecosystem, forest, etc. 

  • Natural Vegetation
  • Bio-Diversity
  • Ecosystem
  • Grassland Ecosystem
  • Forest
  • Tropical Evergreen Forests
  • Tropical Deciduous Forest
  • Temperate Evergreen Forests
  • Temperate Deciduous Forests
  • Mediterranean Forests
  • Coniferous Forests
  • Tropical Grasslands
  • Savanna
  • Campos
  • Temperate Grasslands
  • Desert Vegetation
  • Hot Desert
  • Cold Deserts
Here is some topic that is mentioned in this article. 

Natural Vegetation and Wildlife Class 7 Notes PDF Download for Free
Source: NCERT

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Natural Vegetation

Natural vegetation includes green cover, sunlight, water and soil available on earth.


Diversity is the variety and variability of life on earth.


A life-supporting unit in nature, where living things are dependent on each other and on the environment is called Ecosystem.

Grassland Ecosystem

There are many types of ecosystems. A region where the main vegetation is grass is called the Grassland ecosystem.


An area where trees are dominant vegetation is called a forest.

Tropical Evergreen Forest

Tropical evergreen forests are found in regions having a hot and humid climate which helps in the thick growth of vegetation. These forests consist of hardwood trees like Ebony, Mahogany, etc. The main regions that have such forests are the Zaire basin in Africa, the Amazon basin in South America.

Tropical Deciduous Forests

Tropical deciduous forests are the forests of the region having moderate temperatures and rainfall. The rainfall is less than in evergreen regions but the temperature remains high. They are found in monsoon regions of Asia, Central America.

Temperate Evergreen Forests

These forests are found in warm temperate areas. Important species of trees are Pine, Oak, Eucalyptus, Bamboo. The main areas are the south-eastern USA, Brazil.

Temperate Deciduous Forests

There are regions having moderate temperatures and rainfall. In the USA, the season when these trees shed their leaves is called Fall.

Mediterranean Forests

This type of vegetation is found largely in the areas around the mediterranean sea. This region experiences inter rainfall and summers are dry.

Coniferous Forests

These forests are found in the regions where winters are very cold and severe, and summers are warm and short duration. Important trees include Pine, Spruce, Larch, Fir.

Tropical Grasslands

These grasslands are called Savanna and they occur on both sides of the equator especially in Africa where rainfall is moderate.

Temperate Grasslands

Grasslands are found in the temperate region also. Continents are Prairies in North America etc.

Desert Vegetation

A large area the supports only sparse vegetation because of extreme dryness or extreme cold is called a desert.

Hot Deserts

Deserts which receive very little rainfall and have high average temperature are called hot deserts.

Cold Deserts

Deserts that have low average temperature are called cold deserts.

Natural Vegetation and Wildlife Class 7 Notes PDF

  • NCERT Class 7 SST Notes PDF- Download
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Natural Vegetation and Wildlife Class 7 Short Notes

  • Bio-diversity (The variety of life found in our biosphere)
  • Ecosystem (The life-supporting system in nature in which living beings depend upon one another for their survival)
  • Canopy (An umbrella-like layer of something which spreads over an area like a roof)
  • Deciduous (The trees that lose their leaves every year)
  • Coniferous(Trees producing hard cone-like fruits)
  • Sparse (Not dense, present in small numbers or amount over a large area)
  • Oasis (Small green area amidst a desert)
  • Adapt (To adjust and change according to the conditions/circumstances)
Important points to remember
  1. The scientist has identified about 1.7 million organisms in the biosphere.
  2. Zebra is a grass-eating animal and is found in the Grassland of Africa.
  3. Tropical evergreen forests are found in the Zaire basin in Africa, Amazon basin in South America and islands of southeast Asian countries.
  4. Lavender and myrtle are aromatic plants found in the region of the Mediterranean forest. 
  5. Tropical grasslands are known as Savanna also. In Brazil, there are called Campos 
  6. Temperate grasslands are known by different names in different regions Prairies in North America, Pampas in South America, Steppes in Central Europe, Velds in South Africa and Downs in Australia. 

Best Books for Class 7 SST 

  1. All in one Social science Solutions class 7- Amazon
  2. NCERT Social Science Book with questions answer- Amazon
  3. NCERT SST Book- Amazon

Natural Vegetation and Wildlife Class 7 Notes PDF Download for Free

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