How to Write OSOU Project Paper

 How to Write OSOU Project Paper- Odisha Stae Open University is a distance education University. Students who are asked to project work here in the final semester.

How to write OSOU Project Paper 

Before you start the writing process, you should make a detailed outline.

Introduction-  The introduction must describe what the paper will be about and clearly state the approach to the topic as a question or statement. The question/statement must be linked to at least one competence aim in the Dafudil Language curriculum and be addressable in about 1800 to 2000 words. 

Main Body- During the writing process, it is important to reread the introduction to ensure you have accomplished what you set out to do. If you have not, you may choose to edit the opening so that it matches the main body of the paper.

Conclusion- It is very important. The conclusion should summarize the findings from the main body of the paper, and answer the statement

How to Desing OSOU Project Paper

You should be decorating the front page

You should design on the side of what you write in the note.

Example of OSOU Front Page Desing Paper 

How to Choos Best Topic in OSOU Project Paper 

First, you will be given some topics for the project paper

Second, choose  one subject 

Third Write about your chosen subject

Whichever paper you find easy, you have to write the same topic.



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