Microteaching Technique for Teaching Exam , CTE , TET, KVS , DSSSB, B.ED

Microteaching Technique- I will tell you about microteaching in this article. You are searching on the internet about Microteaching Technique, which will tell you about microteaching teaching in this article. Microteaching Teaching is very important for the candidate who wants to become a teacher and has become a teacher. Microteaching Technique comes in every exam like CTET, KVS, DSSSB, NVS, etc.


The Microteaching technique was first adopted at Stanford University, the USA in 1961 by Dwight W. Allen and his co-workers and is now followed in many countries with modified and improved techniques. It is a training procedure for teacher preparation aimed at simplifying the complexities of the regular teaching process. Microteaching is a scaled-down sample of teaching in which a teacher teaches a small unit to a small group of 5-10 pupils for a small period of 5 to 10 minutes. Such a situation offers a helpful setting for a teacher to acquire new teaching skills and to refine old ones. Microteaching is a new design for teacher training, which provides trainees with feedback about their performance immediately after completion of lessons. 


Micro-teaching is a scaled-down teaching encounter in class size and class time –Allen (1966)

Micro-teaching is a trainer education technique that allows the teacher to apply well-defined teaching skills to a carefully prepared lesson in a planned series of five to ten minutes’ encounter with a small group of real classroom students often with an opportunity to observe the performance on videotape –Buch (1968)


To enable teacher trainees to learn and assimilate new teaching skills under controlled conditions.

To enable teacher trainees to gain confidence in teaching and to master a number of skills by dealing with a small group of pupils.


  1. It is really teaching but focuses on developing teaching skills.
  2. It is a scaled-down teaching
  3. Which reduces the class size to five or ten pupils.
  4. Which reduces the duration of the period to five-ten minutes.
  5. Which reduces the content.
  6. Which reduces the teaching complexities.
  7. It provides feedback for the trainer’s performance.
  8. It is a training device to prepare effective teachers. STEPS IN MICRO-TEACHING
  9. Defining the skill in terms of specific teaching behavior.
  10. Demonstration of the skill by the teacher educator.
  11. Transfer Phase

Evaluating performance through feedback, replan, re-teach, and transfer of skill to actual class teachings in macro sessions.


Teaching a skill is a set of related overt behaviors of the teacher (verbal and nonverbal) which are observable, definable, measurable, demonstratable, and refinable through practice.

According to B.K. Passi (1976), Teaching skills are a group of teaching acts or behaviors

intended to facilitate pupils’ learning directly or indirectly.

Some of the teaching skills are extensively used in routine teaching by all teachers. These skills are known as Core teaching skills. Many experts in this field have listed the following skills as Core teaching skills.

  1. The skill of Introducing a lesson.
  2. The skill of Stimulus Variation.
  3. Skill of Explaining.
  4. Skill of Illustrating with Examples.
  5. Skill of using Blackboard.
  6. Skill of Probing questions.
  7. Skill of Questioning.
  8. Skill of Reinforcement.


When a teacher introduces a lesson, he gives a brief introduction about the lesson in order to pre-dispose the pupil’s minds to it. This has to serve two main functions, namely refreshing and ensuring the prerequisites and motivating the pupils to learn the new lesson.


  1. Desirable behaviors
  2. Use of previous knowledge/pre-requisites- To satisfy the maxim of teaching from known to unknown, the teacher has to judiciously decide upon the pre-requisites that will be essential for properly presenting the new learning material.
  3. Use of Appropriate devices- Many devices such as lecturing, describing, narrating, illustrating, storytelling, role-playing analogy, demonstration, audio-visual materials, experimentation/demonstrations, etc. are used for motivating pupils and to gradually lead them to the new learning material.
  4. Undesirable behavior
  5. Lack of continuity.
  6. Uttering irrelevant statements and questions.
It involves a deliberate change of stimuli presented by the teacher for the purpose of drawing, stimulating, and maintaining the attention of the learners throughout the class.
  • Teacher movements- Meaningful, purposeful movements with pedagogical function.
  • Teacher gestures- Gestures are movements of the parts of the body, used for expressing emotions, size, shape, direction, etc., and also for directing attention.
  • Change in Speech pattern- Change in volume, tone, or speed of verbal communication for attracting attention.
  • Change in interaction style- Teacher-class interaction, teacher-pupil interaction, and pupil-pupil interaction should be there.
  • Focussing- Drawing attention to specific aspects to be stressed, by verbal or gestural focusing,
  • Pausing- Deliberate use of silence during the talk.
  • Oral-Visual Switching.- Change of sensory channel from verbal to visual and vice versa.


Explaining is the skill by which a teacher can clearly bring out the exact meaning of a concept or an idea and also can arrive at relationships among various concepts.


  1. Desirable behaviors
  2. Use of beginning statements- For drawing and maintaining attention and making the students mentally ready for learning give them some clues of explanation.
  3. Use of Explaining links- Words and phrases which increase the effectiveness of explanation should be used. For eg. As a result of, Therefore, In order to, Because, Due to, etc.
  4. Use of mediators- Presentation of various mediators in the form of examples, diagrams, etc. should be used to make explanation lucid and meaningful to the pupils.
  5. Use of concluding statements- The purpose of it is to present a consolidated picture of what has been explained.
  6. Questions to test pupil’s understanding- In the course of explanation, frequently questions should be asked which will help the teacher get immediate feedback from the pupils.
  7. Undesirable behavior
  8. Use of irrelevant statements.
  9. Lack of continuity.
  10. Lack of fluency.
  11. Using inappropriate vocabulary.
  12. Use of vague words and phrases
  13. Deviating from the main points.


This is the skill for timely use of examples for the purpose of making an idea, concept, or principle lucid.


  • Formulating simple examples.
  • Formulating relevant examples.
  • Formulating Interesting examples.
  • Use of appropriate media for examples.
  • Use of Inductive-deductive approach for examples.


Blackboard is the most widely used of all visual aids. It is one of the quickest and easiest means of illustrating an important point.


Legibility of handwriting- Maximum ease in reading what is written on the blackboard even for the students sitting on the backbench should be ensured.

  • The distinct difference between letters.
  • Adequate spacing between letters.
  • Adequate spacing between words.
  • The slant of letters is nearly vertical.
  • All small letters of the same size.
  • All capital letters of the same size.
  • Size of the letters large enough to be read.
  • The thickness of the line is uniform.
  • Neatness in blackboard work.
  • Adequate spacing between lines.
  • Lines parallel to the base of the board.
  • No overwriting.
  • Focussing the relevant matter.
  • Organization of blackboard work.
  • Systematic planning of the space.
  • Spacing to exhibit the sequence of the items being presented.
  • Adjustment of the space for presenting related items in totality.
  • Appropriateness of blackboard work.
  • Continuity in points.
  • Points brief(Brevity).
  • Appropriate presentation of illustrations and diagrams.
  • Proper use of color chalk.
  • Underlining the important points to be stressed.


Successful teaching is highly dependent on questioning. The rate of meaningful questions put per unit time by the teacher is called fluency of questioning.


Structure- Structure of the question is the technique of formulation of questions. The following aspects have to be taken care of while framing questions.

  1. Grammatical correctness
  2. Conciseness
  3. Relevance
  4. Specificity
  5. Process- The process of asking questions involves more than one aspect
  6. Speed
  7. Voice
  8. Pause
  9. Style
  10. Product – Product is the answer expected of the question.


This is the skill required in applying the technique of effectively dealing with student responses for going deep into their knowledge.


  • Prompting- When there is no response or incorrect response teacher gives hints or clues for leading the pupil to the desired correct response.
  • Seeking further information- teacher should ask subsidiary questions in order to seek further information.
  • Refocusing- When the pupil gives the correct response, the teacher relates their responses with something already taught.
  • Increasing critical awareness- Teacher asks why and how of a correct response for increasing critical awareness in pupils.
  • Re-direction – Asking the same question to another pupil for increasing pupil participation.


Reinforcement is the major condition for effective learning. Hence the teacher has to master the skill for adopting appropriate strategies for reinforcing the learners.


  1. Positive verbal reinforcement- Students can be motivated through verbal expressions like Good, Right, Fine, Well done, Excellent, Carry on, Go ahead, etc
  2. Positive Non-verbal reinforcement- Nodding the head, Smiling, Patting, friendly look, etc.
  3. Negative verbal reinforcement- Words like wrong, incorrect, No, etc.
  4. Negative non-verbal reinforcement- Staring, looking angrily, shaking the head, etc.


Denial of Reinforcement

Inappropriate use of reinforcement 


  • Teacher trainees trained through micro-teaching are found to perform better
  • Employs real teaching for the purpose of developing skills.
  • Teacher trainees are made aware of the various skills of which teaching is composed.
  • It is economical in terms of time and money.
  • It helps to gain deeper knowledge due to feedback,re-plan, and re-teach cycles.
  • Lessens the complexities of normal classroom teaching.
  • It is motivational.
  • It is scientific.
  • It helps in modifying teacher behavior.


  • Skill oriented rather than content
  • Scope is narrow
  • Requires competent teacher educator
  • Tends to reduce the creativity of the teacher
  • Time-consuming
  • Micro-teaching alone may not be adequate.
  • Carried on only in a controlled situation 


Having armed the teacher trainees with a battery of teaching subskills, the next stage is the integration of those subskills into the major skill. A deliberate program of integration of sub-skill is called Link Practice or Link Lessons. There are many methods for link practice. One of the methods is that after practicing three sub-skills separately, the trainee may combine all the three sub-skills in a lesson of ten minutes. He then practices another three sub-skills separately and links them. He then combines all the six sub-skills in a single lesson of 15 minutes. And so on till all the sub-skills are combined in a macro lesson of 40 minutes and teaching a full class.


Teaching is a very complex process beyond the capabilities of the teacher trainee at the beginning of the course. Microteaching simplifies the teacher training process so that the trainees can easily master the teaching skills. It is advantageous as it links theory and practice in education. In micro touching, the trainee is able to see the relevance of psychology for the teaching process. Its difference from conventional teaching is that the trainee is provided with detailed feedback about his teaching. Anyway in training programs, micro-teaching has great importance.

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