Top 30 Definition of Education by Different Philosophers, Authors, Scholars and Educationist (Download Pdf)

Definition of Education by Different Authors- Looking for a definition of education by different philosopher than you are in the right place. Here I will show you the best definition by different educationist in India as well as western philosophers. Today I will give you a list of authors and philosophers name related to Education. Please check out Definition of education by a different educationist. 

Top 10 Definition of Education by Different Philosophers,Authors,Scholars and Educationist (Download Pdf)

Definition of Education by Different Philosophers 

It seems necessary to write down some lines about the term Education. Education is a life-long process. It starts with the womb and ends in the tomb. Man can become a man through education only. Education is needed sense, is to humanize humanity.
 He is what education makes him. It signifies that education is concerned with the development of the main. According to different meanings of education have been given by different persons in different periods.

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Education is a biological, sociological and psychological necessity. We can not avoid that education is a spiritual necessity also. It has been considered ''a controlling grace of the young consolation to the old, wealth to the poor and ornament to the rich."

Both Indian and western thinkers have defined education in different ways.

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Define Etymological Meaning of Education 

According to western thinkers, Education is a combination of two words. One is ''E'' and another one is ''DUCO''. 'E' means out of and 'duco' means to lead. Thus education means to draw out rather than put in. According to this meaning, the teacher simply helps the child in developing the inner potentialities. 

According to the Latin dictionary, education is derived from the three Latin words. They are Educere, Educare and Educatum. 

Definition of Education by Different authors

First education is derived from the Latin word ''Educare'' which means ''to lead out'' or ''to draw out''. It meaning is a carbon copy of the previous one. According to another view, the term is derived from the Latin word ''educere'' which means to bring up'' ''to raise'' or to nourish''. It means that education is an external imposition on the child and man. 
According to the third view, the term education is derived from the Latin word ''Educatum'' which means the act of teaching or training. 

According to Indian thinkers the word ''Shiksha'' is especially used for education. The term ''Shiksha'' is derived from the Sanskrit verbal root ''Shas'' which means to discipline, ''to control'', ''to instant'' or ''to teach''. The term ''Vidya'' is derived from the Sanskrit verbal root ''Vid'' which means to know.

Definition of Education by Different Educationist

It is very difficult to know the meaning of education. The educationist, the philosophers, the psychologists had given their different opinions regarding education in different ways. In this connection, we can say that there is no fixed meaning of education. Indian thinkers and western thinkers have given their definitions of education which is given below.

Top 15 Definition of Education by Indian Philosophers 

Indian Concept of Education:
Some of the important view regarding education given by Indian philosophers are as follows:

Education has been defined as something ''Which makes a man self-reliant and self-less''

2- Upanishad

''Education is  that whose end product is salvation.''


''Education is that which makes a man good character and useful for the world.''


''Human education means the training which one gets from nature.''


''Education means training for the country and love for the nation.''


Education means the manifestation of divine perfection already existing in man. He further says, ''We want that education by which character has formed the strength of mind is increased, the intellect is expanded and by which one can stand on one's own feet.''


Education is the realization of the self.


"According to Mahatma Gandhi ''By education, I mean an all-round drawing out of the best in child and man-body, mind and spirit.''


''By education, I do not mean the teaching in school, education is what was imparted in the ancient Indian institutions and the centers of religion throughout the province. 

10- R.N Tagore

"Education is enabling the mind to find out the ultimate truth which emancipates us from the bondage of the dust and gives us the wealth, not things but of inner light, not of power but of love making the truth its own and giving expression to it."

11-Sri Aurobindo

"In the words of Aurobindo Ghosh ''Which will offer the tools, whereby one can live for the divine, for the country, for the country, for oneself and for others and this must be the ideal in every school which calls itself national."

12-Zakir Hussain

"Education is the work of the whole life. It begins from the time of birth and continues until the last moment of death.''

13-Swami Dayananda

''Education is a means for character formation and righteous living''


"Education is to complete, must be humane it must include not only the training of the intellect but the refinement of the heart and the discipline of the spirit. No education can be regarded as complete it if neglects the heart and the spirit.''

15- APJ Abdul Kalam

''Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world"

Top 15 Definition of Education by Western Thinkers 

The western educational theorists have defined education variously. some of the popular definitions are given below.
  1. Plato
  2. Aristotle
  3. Comenius
  4. Pestalozzi
  5. Froebel
  6. Milton
  7. T.Coreoran, S.J
  8. Adams
  9. T.P Nunn
  10. John Dewey
  11. Herbert
  12. H.M. Horne
  13. T.Raymont
  14. Thompson
  15. Adler

1- Plato

Education is the capacity to feel pleasure and pain at the right moment. It develops in the body and in the soul of the pupil all the beauty and all the perfection of which he is capable of. 


Education develops man's faculty especially his mind so that he may be able to enjoy the contemplation of supreme truth, goodness, and beauty in which perfect happiness, essentially consists. In  briefly he explained education as, ''the creation of a soul mind in a sound body.''


''All who are borns as human beings need education because they are destined to be real men, not wild beasts all animals and clumps of words."


Education is the natural progressive and harmonious development of man's innate powers."


Education is the unfoldment of what is already enfolded in the germ. It is the process through which the child makes internal external. 


Milton defines education as I call, therefore, a complete and generous education that which fits a man to perform justly, skillfully and magnanimously all the offices, both private and public of peace and war."

7-T.Corcoran, S.J.

Education is the organized development and equipment of all the owers of human beings, moral, intellectual and physical by an for their individual and social uses, directed towards the union of these activities with their creator as their final end.


Education is a conscious and deliberate process in which one personality acts another in order to modify the development of that other by the communication and manipulation to knowledge. 


Education is the complete development of the individuality of the child so that he can make an original contribution to human life according to the best of his capacity. 

10-John Dewey

Education is the process of living through a continuous reconstruction of experiences. It is the development of all those capacities in the individual which will enable him to control his environment and fulfill his possibilities. 


Education is the development of a good moral character."

12- H.M Horne

Education should be thought of as the process of human reciprocal adjustment to nature, to his fellows and to the ultimate nature of the cosmos.


Education is a process of development from infancy to maturity, the process by which he adapts himself gradually in various ways of his physical, social and spiritual environment. 


Education is the influence of the environment on the individual which a view to producing a permanent change in his habits, the behavior of thought and of attitude. 


Education is the process in which these powers capacities of men which are susceptible to habituation are perfected by good habits, by means of artistically contrived and employed by any man to help another or himself achieve the end. 

Narrower Meaning of Education 

In the narrow sense, education is confined to school and university instruction. Education starts when the child enters the institution and ends when he leaves after completing a particular course of study. The success of the education of the child is evaluated in terms of passing the examination. That person who is not involved in this type of education they are labeled as illiterate persons. 

Broader Meaning of Education

In a broad sense, this type of education is not confined to any institution. It is a life-long process. It starts with the mother's womb and ends in the tomb. In every phase of life, the individual learns the education or gains the knowledge directly or indirectly. 

Top 30 Definition of Education by Different Philosophers, Authors, Scholars and Educationist (Download Pdf)


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